The Code of Conduct within the company
In the business environment, compliance means to act in a way that complies with rules, regulations and ethics. We all contribute to compliance with our behaviour in both our personal and business lives. Due to the ethical issues involved, we define the term compliance very broadly and see our behaviour in terms of sustainability as an important aspect of it.
More than a decade ago, we signed up to the Code of Conduct of the German Association for Materials Management and Purchasing (BME Code of Conduct). We have anchored the defined principles regarding
- Corruption
- Anti-trust
- Forced labour
- Child labour
and social responsibility for
- human rights,
- discrimination,
- health protection,
- fair working conditions,
- environmental protection
in our company. By observing and promoting these principles, we take on responsibility owed to our own organisation, to customers and suppliers, to the environment and the society. We request our suppliers to intensively support these principles and to observe them as we do. Acknowledging these principles is a major criterion for us to take in a supplier into our supplier pool. These principles correspond to the contents of the UN Global Conduct.
E-T-A Code of Conduct
With this Code of Conduct, managers and employees pursue the goal of ethically impeccable business activities at E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH. The code obligates all employees of the group of companies worldwide and defines the standards, the applicable regulations and the expectations of our behaviour. Managers have a special role model function in this regard.
Learn more
You can download our goals and actions to implement the Code of Conduct as pdf.
Material Compliance
Our corporate responsibility for economic, ecological and social issues is an integral part of our management system and of the entire life cycle of our products.
You can find more detailed information about Conflict materials, REACH, RoHS and WEEE, as well as our statement about Material Compliance on the following page:
For more information on our Supplier Code, as well as our Code of Conduct and Material Compliance, click here: